About Us
History of LICA
For over seventy years, LICA
contractors have paved the way for our
country's growth and expansion. We have contractors from coast to
coast, providing a wide range of services: grading, excavation,
drainage, and site preparation just to name a few.
Our contractors work in cities, on farms, ranches and in rural areas.
They work with dedication and commitment of the professional
conservation of soil and water. You should always choose a LICA
contractor for all your construction needs. Look for the familiar LICA
triangle proudly displayed on our equipment.
If you are a Michigan contractor, or anywhere else, you should become a
member of this great association! We strive to improve the business
climate by working for better legislation and regulations, by keeping
our members abreast of the current changes impaction their operations,
and providing training in the latest technology.
The aim of the Association is to
encourage high standards of
workmanship in resource management, land improvement practices and to
promote private enterprises in land improvement contracting.
This association of contractors brings together people having similar
interests and opportunities for improving our natural resources with an
adequate profit.